siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


married in Hawaii ain't the way

I am not sure why
my friends wives do stupid things.
my friend's ex-boyfriend is retarded.
I am still beat tired after 3 days of not having a baby
I do not want to go to Orange County in two days
I am not even close to being caught up for work.
do not feel any less overwhelmed as I did 2 weeks ago

I am trying to focus on the good stuff:
being in the sun in 2 days
Riley planting kisses at any request
7 people did either a marathon or half marathon in the last 2 weeks
there is half of carton of ice cream in the freezer
an unwatched movie of Juno that I got for mothers day.
Playdates with Doug, Suze and Zane in a few weeks.

it all evens out.

3:46 p.m. - 2008-05-12


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