siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


Riley 411

I am concerned/self conscious about nonstop talking about Riley. Hopefully this all-Riley entry will expunge my need to go on and on about him.

Facts about Riley:
He is 2 feet tall
13 pounds
Likes sparkly things, (shiny lamps and his his jewel like mobile)
He likes his swing, but cries when it stops (it's broken and you have to push him after a minuet or so)
Takes his morning nap in above swing
I call him Buzz (cause he snores so loud)
Snores loud
Bill calls his legs "kickers"
He smiles when you make embarrassing noises
He laughed once, which was great
His frown is almost as cute as his smile, until he starts crying
He sleeps in restaurants
And for 6 hour stretches at night
He loves being naked and having a particular soft blanket draped on him
Is the sweetest, cutest thing ever
Is crying right now cause his swing stopped swinging

2:34 p.m. - 2007-02-02


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