siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


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When I make hot chocolate from the packet, I am always pulled back to childhood memories of being on vacation in Catalina Island, where we had hot chocolate and ate cereal from the little boxes with milk that had questionable expiration dates.

I had a dream last night that the baby poked out of my stomach and it had a little ponytail. So, now I think it's a girl.

I was TV heaven last night, watching The Office (and realized that I have a huge crush on the guy who plays Jim) and Grey's Anatomy (and also realized I have a crush on Sandra Oh)

I have been hording Jeff Romans iPod all week and discovered the lovliness of Smog. I love falling in love with music.

I tried singing last night to the baby with Built to Spill, but I got nervous.

1:49 p.m. - 2006-09-22


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