siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


T is for Terrific

I met Teresa over 10 years ago. She came with the Billy�s friend�s package and sealed the deal of my undying love of this guy. When you meet the friends of your new beloved, and they are wonderful, it just puts more nails in the coffin of love. The nails came fast. Brandi, Brady and Teresa were some of the first friends I met of Bill�s.

Fast forward to years later..Teresa gets married to Kenny, the get pregnant�in a big way�.triplets. If any of our friends can handle having triplets, we were sure it Teresa would not only survive, but thrive!

When I got pregnant, I had this horrible worry that I would change into this crazy, stepford, soccer, Gymboree going mom. There would be some magic button that would get thrown when my belly button sticks out that would attract me to minivans and more appropriate language and maybe ceasing the your mom jokes!!

Then I remembered seeing Teresa last Christmas (the triplets are 2�omg) and did she stop cussing like a sailor? No. Did she teach her kids great party tricks like rattling off Monty Python quotes..yes.
No change. And if there was, it was for the good.

To put add to the love nails into the coffin of how much I heart this lady, who has triplets who are still alive and who in my mind has the answers to everything regarding being a mom, I received the following books from her yesterday:
The Three Martini Playdate & The Inappropriate Baby Book; Gross and Embarrassing Memories from Babies First Year.

12:19 p.m. - 2006-09-14


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