siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


Pity Me.

Been in a funk lately.
It started a few days ago. Not sure where the turn happened.
I am getting tired of the constant advise from people who don't know me and who I never asked.
I know I have done this to people before and I will never do it again. I
I realize people just want to connect and tell their story...but I have heard it.
My favorite was the girl who cut my hair yesterday (22 years old) who told me that my body was going to go through a lot of changes. She knew this because she had a lot of friends who had been pregnant..
She proceeded on to tell me she hates kids.
pleaseshutup and cut my hair.
I spent last night crying in a self pity fest.
I plan to snap out of this shortly

4:58 p.m. - 2006-06-12


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