siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


The Night They Drove Ol Dixie Down

We drove from Dallas to New Orleans in October, 2002. Mercedes, Billy and Me. We listened to The Last Waltz at midnight driving through the marsh of the delta. It was one of those times were the universe clicks. We got to the city about 3 am after taking a detour that apparently had happened before. From what I hear, you have to get lost on the drive there, and then find it. It had happened to my company on every one of the previous trips.
I remember sipping my first Hurricane on the patio of Pat O�Brians thinking how magical everything was, then after the second one, thinking if my legs would work.
Sitting on a stoop of one of the buildings that lie on the outskirts of Bourbon street, sipping on another Hurricane, in a most handy �to go� cup, talking and making fun of passer bys who wore squeaky shoes.
Eating. The food was amazing and made with such love (butter)
and care (frying) that it still permeates in my head.
Feeling pretty drunk and when asked if I wanted another drink, I responsibly slurred, �I better not�. The option to split a cup of Hurricane juice was offered, and that seemed like a perfect solution. Mercedes came back with one for each of us. bitch
Walking along the streets with Billy, who had been the thrise before, who was soo excited, that he that that 4 year old little boy gleem in his eye. He was showing my his favorite place that he wanted to show be for years. It was a side of him that I had never seen before, and I remember being really thrilled that I still get to explore this wonderful guy throughout our lives.
Everyone was smiling. People every every class and color were there with these gigantic grins on their face. Like everyone had found the secret of life. Booze and Fried Food?
Laying in the back seat on my way out, looking at the heart of the South.
Green lush lovely beauty.

� it wrong till I do it right...� Down South In New Orleans

7:56 a.m. - 2005-09-02


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