siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


Make me laugh!!

So, to continue the roller coaster of goodness that I have been riding lately: WORK! Not the actual job, but the people I sit with. I have the opportunity to sit next to some nice boys at work. Jeff S and Jeff R.
I have a sneaking suspicion that they like to hear me laugh and I think they try to out do each other ever day to make me giggle. Maybe I should hand out points for them if they can get me to boust out in my highly loud screeching laugh and extra special bonus points, (with stars) for the not very often, and emarassing, snort.
Jeff S. is a little more subtle, but effective. He will e-mail me the most off-the-wall pictures, and talk in funny voices, sing songs about fellow co-workers.
Jeff R. had actually swept the entire contents off his desk trying to reenact the Duran Duran video �Hungry Like The Wolf� that was playing overhead.
I wonder how many points I should divvy out for peeing my pants.

11:26 a.m. - 2005-08-03


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