siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


The dead mouse chonicles

So on the drive from Laughlin to Vegas, Rena and I were dishing the family servings. Trying to get into the meanings of family drama and tring not inhale the dead mouse steanch that was comming out of the air conditioner*in my parents car.
Back and forth we gave our explanations of life and tried to figure it all out.
Rena asked me to do her a favor. She aksed me to write something...a play, short story. As nice as I thought it was she had no idea of my amazing competition of friends that I have. The Gretas and Evanys. The Katherine Hand for goodness sake. And of coarse there is my own Bill. She just has no idea how talented these people are. I said I would keep pecking away at my diary.
So PLEASE, do me a favor. If you can write...WRITE for goodness sakes!!!!

*so, when my parents were camping, a mouse apperently got bored and tore apart a roll of paper towels and stuffed it into the air ducts in the car. Poor little guy never made it out. So now it smells like dead mouse and paper towels.

11:40 a.m. - 2005-03-11


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