siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


this is ture

OK. this is getting creepy.. here is a synopsis of last years resolutions.
We got an amazing boy who has turned out to be such a amazing thing to watch grow up.
We got a beautiful house that is so charming and cozy. Not huge, but sweet and lovely. I am so happy we waited to find the perfect one. The whole process was so easy and simple.
-true (getting it wasn't what I would call EASY, but it wasn't too bad)
We are seeing shows and been camping and planning trips for the years to come.
-only one camping trip, but I expect more
We are planning on getting a puppy soon.
My business has exploded into a wonderfully wonderful empire. Its allowed me to travel and have all the time I want with Riley. Plus I have met some amazing people who I am happy to call clients that inspire me to be the best person I can me.
-so very true
All our friends had a great year as well and also inspire me on a daily basis. Thank you friends for rocking so hard.
I am so lucky to have a body that works, a cleaver nogan. I am very lucky to know and have such supportive and loving family and friends.
-thank you for support on making this true

3:43 p.m. - 2009-01-04


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