siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


Comming Soon

Greta May wrote us a rather melancholy letter last week. It never said the words, but it had this, "things will never be like it was feel" and, yes, although true..I am fucking jazzed about what the future holds.

Hey Greta,
Do you know what I am excited about?

Seeing you and your love man flourish in well deserved success in your beautiful business and in your sweet house.

Traipsing down there in the summer time, sitting in some sort of out door area (i haven't SEEN your house, but I betcha there is a backyard of some sort) sipping some yummy beverage after coming back from playing hard in the river.

For you saying little funny phrases, that I am sure Riley will come up with, as your common vocabulary.

Going off on vacations together, and Riley at Grandmas.

Seeing many many shows with you, maybe outdoor somewhere, in the not so beating sunshine and smiling beautifully together.

Growing old and crazy

11:21 a.m. - 2007-06-01


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