siren-sound's Diaryland Diary



I have been tagged by Mandy to write 7 random facts about no particular order. I am doing this because I am WAY overdue for an entry, am procrastonating 15 other things I have today and have one too many cups of coffee...and Mandy is a hot little muffin.

1) I burped french kissing Mike Calore in the 8th grade in a park in Laguna NIguel. It was so embarising and magical all at the same time and remember smiling when I though about kissing him and tried to erase the burping part.

2) There are 2 trees in the park across the street that, when they bloom in spring, make me very happy to look at. They are the same shape/size, but one of them has purple flowers and no leaves and the other just has leaves. Its a nice purple green color duo.

3) The name of the first boat we had when I was a kid was Mischeif. It was a sailboat and I miss sailing on it. We took it to Catalina all the time.

4) My grandfathers name is Ron. Bill calls him Captain Obvious, but not to his face. He is 86 years old.

5) I am 5'8". I thought I was 5'9' for years , but somewhere in College, I was disappointed to find out otherwise. I am actually 5'8 1/2"

6) Roxane Vatasescu was my first best friend, then Stacy Sutherland. Now it is Greta May.
I still talk to Stacy.

7) I have taken many classes in Astronomy and use to be able to navigate my way through a sky pretty well. When pressed, in my recent trip to Arizona, to name a bright star in the sky I guessed that it was Jupiter and passed it off as fact. I really think it was Jupiter..but may have been a slow airplane. I want to take another class to brush up, so I can empart actual facts to Riley.

1:41 p.m. - 2007-05-22


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