siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


New Schedule

Last week in review. Started a grueling, temporary shift at work 5-1:30. Get up at 4. I had three break downs in bed realizing that I only had 5 hours till I had to wake up. I had weird flashbacks of when I was a child when my mom would sent me to bed at eight when it was after daylight savings and still light out. Very unfair. So I had a few pity parties and I think I am over it now, I still have to get up way too early. I went to the dentist and was goosed up on nitrous for 2 hours. Bill and I went to a first time home owner�s seminar and ate yummy donuts. I also lost two part time job interviews on Friday and I finally got invited out to have a drink with fellow co-workers.
whew....ready to do it again!

8:27 p.m. - 2005-04-11


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