siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


Les Carey

We were having such a great morning. Pancakes and coffee galore. Bill was in the bathroom when his dad called to deliver the bad news.
I knocked on the door, trying not to cry and let him know.

We walked into the room with the newly found fatherless sisters who all looked alike. Eyes red from crying. Spouses who looked terribly helpless and the other grandson who is so young and sad, I just gave him a hug and told him I was sorry.
The fresh widow, Etta, was surrounded with support and love. I walked into the room and promised myself not to cry, thinking that I didn�t have the right. Thinking about puppies and kittens to help me bottle up everything was soon unleased when this sweet old lady cries in my arms. What do you say???

I gave my memories of Les Carey. Swing dancing with every one of the ladies in my family at our rehersal dinner.
The Thanksgiving when I was opening a bottle of wine at his house. I offered him some, and in a weak voice, said, �just a little bit�. When I poured a little more than a tear, he slammed it back and yelled, �Filler �er up!�

Raise hell, wherever you are, Les!

4:07 p.m. - 2005-02-22


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