siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


I heart sleep

I was terrified, when I was pregant, that I was going to change.
I have changed. Some for the better, some for the worse.
I have grown impatient with people in general. People who complain about lack of sleep.
I changed my mind about my mother. She did a good job and I have always known that. I am less critical of her....unless she complains about lack of sleep.
I am in need of and cherish my friendships. The ones I have to work at are dear to me and I hope to have them for a while.
If I was easily amused before, I am a thousand times more so now.
I have become terribly inseccure.
I am not sure why.
Maybe cause I cant spell
I am becoming more comfortable in my skin.
I am finally becoming a little more of what I was before I was pregnant...but a little better, but far more insecure.

10:19 p.m. - 2007-11-18


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