siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


Me time

A year ago I was 20 pounds lighter, looked hott (yes, with 2 t's), just started my little business and felt pretty good about things. Little did I know that I was just about to get pregnant.
When I found out, I still ran, but with a different, more enlightened purpose. Not to lose weight, but to mull over my uncertain future, to talk to my fetus baby, and to imagine what kind of mother I would be, and to take care of myself. I was not out to race and had no goals of breaking any personal records in my near horizon. Just go out, and look around and try to take advantage of meandering routes and having no need to get back in time to feed anyone. Oh wait, this is what I wish I had done..I did get out and run by myself, armed with my iPod and thoughts of "OH SHIT, I AM GOING TO BE A MOM", but hind sight being crystal clear. I wish I had gotten out more.
Flash forward to a year later and my little son sound asleep for is morning nap, I just got back from an awesome run. Yes, it was at 6 in the morning, yes, my boobs don't properly fit into my double duty bras, and of course I don't fit into those oh so tight tights that I looked so spelt on me a year ago. And I am tired..
... I miss sleep ..
(confidential to you, mr. sleep: I fear that our time together is over...but I still love you and miss you)

My "me" time is few and far between and I love to fill it with the following: a long bath, sleep and a rocking out, hard core, kick ass run, with my earphones up high and my runs taking me as fast as my postpartum, c-sectioned body will go, (not so fast).
So, the point of the meandering? Well, its what a ton of people told me when I was pregnant...take pleasure in the time that you have now. I love spending time with my son and my husband, but my time by my self is purposeful and focused. running, sleep and sometimes shave my legs in the long hot bath. Ah bliss.

side note: on my run yesterday "2 sisters drunk on each other" by Califone came on my iPod when I was running, and I actually said out loud..loudly "I love this song!!" I blame it on endorphins

8:02 a.m. - 2007-02-26


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