siren-sound's Diaryland Diary


New Year!

I am a firm believer in writing goals down. I have a list of things I want to accomplish before I die and last year, I got to mark one of them off.
Having a kid.
I think that was due more to drinking too much wine than writing it down....chicken or the egg??

Official New Years Resolutions:
Make as much money, self employed, as I did when I was employed...hopefully before my unemployent runs out.
Be back on track about buying a house.
Fully dedicate to being a good mom.
Don't worry so much about not being a good mom
Spend more time with a sexy boy named Bill.
Go on a out of state trip with above sexy boy and son.
Read to son
Try to get use to sentence: I have a son. (still weird)
Run a 1/2 marathon before my birthday
And of course, lose the baby weight that was so much fun to put on
Listen to more music, less tv

that's quite a list

10:58 a.m. - 2007-01-03


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